Topics and Participants

Expected participants

We expected 27 researchers from Israel and Germany, the majority of them PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, as well as the keynote speakers and the lecturers (organizers). To strengthen interdisciplinary collaborations, we invited participants from various disciplines, including sociology, gerontology, psychology and public health.

Keynote speakers

Prof. Dr. Liat Ayalon (Bar Ilan University, Israel)

Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt (TU Dortmund University, Germany)

Prof. Dr. Yaacov Bachner (Ben-Gurion University, Israel)

Specific topics

The Minerva School addressed six key determinants of health and social networks. The related topics were addressed in the keynotes and presentations, building a basis for the subsequent work in small groups of three to four participants. Below we outline potential research questions to be tackled during the school. We note that these were preliminary topics and the specific content of the working groups was determined during the school by the participants and organizers.

Gender, social networks and health

Socioeconomic status, social networks and health

Migration, social networks and health

The health consequences of widowhood

Caregiving and health

Social policy, social networks and health